Two new major improvements were added to Frotcom: Integrated Navigation and Google Maps
Integrated Navigation and Google Maps had been widely considered as “must haves” in Frotcom and were selected to be developed in 1Q2010. Not easy tasks, though. In both cases, we had to struggle with some unexpected technical hurdles. But in the end, the goal was reached and the features are out there. Frotcom now includes the Integrated Navigation as one of its optional features. A fleet manager can send the destination place directly to the driver’s navigator, along with any necessary instructions. Having international road transportation in mind, where voice communications can represent a significant cost, text messages were also added. They will show up in the navigator and can be replied directly using the touch screen. Another major requirement we got from some of our Certified Partners also came to life in March: Google Maps. The addition of Google Maps to Frotcom increased the map coverage at street level in many countries. Top of the line map coverage is now provided wherever Frotcom is available with both Bing Maps and Google Maps. It comes as no surprise that Frotcom is being ever more frequently chosen by companies who need a trustworthy, professional vehicle tracking system.