Driving times monitoring

Comply with legislation on driving time restrictions.

You just received another request to transport goods. You’re looking for the nearest vehicles to assign the job to. But how do you know if the corresponding drivers still have enough driving time available to execute the job in the available time frame?

If your company uses trucks to transport goods in Europe, chances are you are already familiar with Regulation (EC) 561/2006. This document provides a common set of European Union rules for maximum daily and fortnightly driving times.

Regulation 561 goes hand in hand with the use of tachos. That’s how your drivers keep track of their driving times and rest periods.
Other areas of the world typically have some sort of regulation for limiting driving times.

How do you keep track of those times in your office to select the most suitable drivers and vehicles for new jobs?

How do you know you have not chosen a driver who has almost reached their driving time limit?

Asking drivers to supply you with that information is not necessarily the best solution. In fact, when you want to select the most suitable driver and vehicle for a new job, you would need to ask numerous drivers for their driving times.

You need something more consistent, more convenient.

That’s exactly what you get with Frotcom’s driving times monitoring. You will know the driving times for each driver, every step of the way.

Frotcom controls the following elements of driving time restrictions:

Continuous driving
Continuous driving without a break (or two breaks) with the necessary duration(s)

Daily driving time
The total daily driving time (the day doesn’t necessarily start at 00:00, but when the previous daily rest period finishes)

Weekly driving time
The total driving time in the current week; also Indicates if in this week, the driver can still drive an extra hour per day

Biweekly driving time
This is the total driving time for the current and previous week

All these elements are configured by default for European legislation, but can be reconfigured if desired.

If the vehicle has a co-driver, the co-driver’s driving times are also shown.

Main features
● Permanent information about the driving times of each driver;
● Compatibility with Regulation (EC) 561/2006, configurable for other sets of rules.

Contact us
Comply with legislation.


​Avoid non-compliance with legislation

Fines for driving time violations can be quite high. Frotcom will help your fleet managers communicate with drivers to avoid situations where violations might occur.

Plan easily

Because you know the driving times for each driver, you will no longer need to call each one and ask. Planning and assigning new jobs can be accomplished more easily.

​Avoid conflicts of interests and suspicions

Knowing the driving times upfront also avoids unpleasant situations in which the fleet manager wants drivers to drive more time and drivers claim they have exhausted their driving time periods. Now that information is available to everyone.

Serma - Spain

"Frotcom has proved to be a reliable and professional partner with highly effective solutions."

Ángel Herrero
Head of After Sales Service
Serma - Spain