Automatic driver identification system

Know who is driving your vehicles.

You get a speed camera ticket in the mail. The vehicle’s license plate is clearly identified and you use Frotcom’s records to confirm that the vehicle was indeed speeding at the place and time reported by the police. You need to speak to the driver. The problem is the vehicle was used by various drivers. You cannot determine who was driving the vehicle at that particular time.

In many companies, vehicles in the fleet can be driven by different drivers, according to driver and vehicle availability. If that’s the case, you need a way of knowing immediately when drivers change, so that you can coordinate communications and register the trips executed by each driver.

Situations like the one above can occur without automatic driver identification, especially with companies where optimization of fleet and personnel require frequent driver reassignment.

If you need to keep track of which driver was assigned to any given trip, Frotcom’s Automatic Driver Identification is the solution you need.

Frotcom can use several different methods for automatic driver identification:

iButton -This is a key-ring emitter that transmits a unique ID code associated with each driver.

The identification module is composed of an iButton reader and a buzzer to be installed on the dashboard of the vehicle and connected to the Frotcom GPS tracker.

Each driver is given a personal iButton emitter in the form of a small key-ring.  The driver simply touches the iButton reader with the iButton emitter to be identified as the driver prior to starting a new trip. 

A beep sounds and the driver’s identification is sent to the Frotcom Data Centre.

If the driver does not identify himself/herself prior to starting a new trip, the buzzer will sound loudly. If the trip proceeds and no identification is received, an alarm is triggered in Frotcom, which can, for instance, generate a notification to the fleet manager or another person in the company. These reactions can be easily configured according to the needs of your company.

RFID card - This is an alternative ID code emitter in the form of a credit card.

In this alternative, the driver identification module is composed of an RFID reader and a buzzer to be installed on the dashboard of the vehicle and connected to the Frotcom GPS tracker.

Each driver is given an RFID card, an emitter in the form and size of a credit card and customizable with your company logo.  

The driver holds the card close to the RFID receiver to be identified, prior to starting a new trip. 

A beep sounds and the driver’s identification is sent to the Frotcom Data Centre.

If the driver does not identify himself/herself prior to starting a new trip, the buzzer will sound loudly. If the trip proceeds and no identification is received, an alarm is triggered in Frotcom, which can, for instance, generate a notification to the fleet manager or another person in the company. These reactions can be easily configured according to the needs of your company.

Identification using tachograph driver cards - In Europe, heavy commercial vehicles are equipped with digital tachographs. Frotcom can identify the drivers automatically when they insert their cards in the tachographs.

In this case, Frotcom obtains the driver’s identification as soon as the driver’s identification card is inserted in the vehicle’s tachograph. This option is only valid in Europe.

Workforce management login
If drivers use Frotcom’s Workforce management onboard terminals, drivers can be identified when they login into the Workforce management app.


Contact us
Know who is driving your vehicles.


Keep track of driver assignments

Know for sure which driver was assigned to a specific trip.

Avoid unauthorized usage of vehicles

Receive an alarm if a driver is not identified when a vehicle starts a trip.

Improve driving behavior

Minimize speeding tickets and improper vehicle driving. Drivers will know they are being monitored.

Pay roll automation

Register the total mileage travelled by each driver accurately to calculate the corresponding salary.

Compliance with legislation

Driver Identification also assists you in addressing key legislation such as “duty of care” and “Working Time Limits” by recording and reporting on driving times.

Devices and accessories

Automatic driver ID - iButton - Frotcom device

The iButton is a key-ring shaped device that transmits a unique code identifying the driver. The code is received by a reader located in the dashboard of the vehicle.

RFID card
Automatic driver ID - RFID - Frotcom device

This RFID card transmits a unique code identifying the driver. The code is received by a reader located in the dashboard of the vehicle.

De Beers - Botswana reference

"For De Beers Exploration, both South Africa and Botswana, the safety of our employees using company vehicles is an important factor, as is cost management and proper fleet control."

Gerhard van der Waal
Health and Safety Manager
De Beers - Botswana